From the
"" is a homage to the spirit of America; to everyone who loves America, respects American values and is proud to be American. In brief, an extensive and diverse library of candid videos, photos and much more; portraying everyday Americana.
This is an ongoing, constantly evolving website. We welcome suggestions for new categories, videos, photos, stories (?), cartoons (?), jokes (?), music (?), parody (?) and whatever (?); where visitors can view all published content but only registered shareholder/members are allowed to upload THEIR content.
The m4v and mp4 videos, and plain text formats allow easy downloading of any and all media directly to your computer, cellphone, tablets and other mobile devices.
If you're one of the 340 million Americans I'm honoring above you'll be excited about the America's Cracker Barrel discussion forum; access to which, again, is via a unique shareholder/memberrship stock offering. When you subscribe, you become a shareholder/owner of coolslideshowsmedia, Inc. Literally, this website is YOURS! YOUR voice is welcome here on YOUR website!
One last point.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I look forward to your membership. So, let's work together to repair and
Dave S.